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Carib World Travel (CWT) representatives returned on Sunday 23 September from attending the Caribbean Meeting and Incentive Travel Exchange (CMITE) in Montego Bay, Jamaica, held 20 – 23 September.

CMITE was unique in that it brought together buyers and suppliers servicing the Caribbean meeting and incentive travel market and was an invitation-only appointment based event. Carib World Travel was the only company (supplier) invited to attend from Antigua & Barbuda and they sought to promote the country as an attractive and desirable destination as well as the company’s destination management services.

Meetings and Incentive Travel are an important sector of the tourism industry and based around group travel and buyers from the corporate sector. Incentive Travel is usually provided to employees, dealers or distributors as a reward or motivational tool and tends to be leisure based. It is a billion dollar global industry and Carib World Travel through its efforts at CMITE expects to have attracted business to Antigua & Barbuda thereby positively impacting the economy.

The event was attended by sixty buyer organisations from USA and Canada and a similar number of suppliers representing destination management companies, resorts, Tourism Authorities and specialist organisations operating in the region.

In meetings with buyers Carib World Travel highlighted what Antigua & Barbuda had to offer in the way of resorts, culture, activities, tours, facilities, and attractions along with levels of service, air access and experiences available. The company’s strength in creating and delivering professional and successful programs based on the needs of the client were also highlighted to include a number of activities and themed events unique to the company.

The Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority supported the efforts of Carib World Travel and follow up meetings will be held to chart further initiatives designed to attract Meeting and Incentive travel to the country.


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